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Re: [e4-dev] Can e4.ui repository depend on EGit ?

On 02/23/2015 07:27 PM, Wim Jongman wrote:

so I'm thinking about contributing the EGit integration into org.eclipse.e4.ui, so that org.eclipse.e4.ui would now have a dependency on EGit (to be reversed when the import framework can be considered as mature).

From this I figured that you wanted to add this dependency to a bundle called "org.eclipse.e4.ui". This name looks very "core" to e4 so that is why I suggested to not add a direct dependency. (Apparently there is no bundle with this name. I looked for it but could not find it.)
Ok, I think I understand the confusion. I wasn't very clear in that message.
I have some bundles called org.eclipse.e4.ui.importer.* in the org.eclipse.e4.ui Git repository. I'd like one of those bundles to have a dependency on org.eclipse.egit.ui bundle. So I'm wondering if I can put a reference to the EGit p2 repository in the pom.xml.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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