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[e4-dev] Now's the time to figure out what we need in e4

OK, Kepler SR1 is done and Luna M2 are out....Kepler SR2 is not due until Februrary. We finally  have time to review all of those things we've been putting off and get to work on them. As quickly as possible I'd like to identify those areas that folks think are worth doing so we can then move on to assigning people to actually do the work / designs.

Here's a list of those items that I had on my white board; please respond if you know of other items that should be on the list or if you think that something that's on the list might be unnecessary.


Fix Layouts (Part of this is already done and I'm already working on removing all uses of SWT.DEFER)
Split Parts - Revamping the example to use the new Composite Part

SWT Removal from PRE + addons - This is good for enabling the re-use of the rendering engine and addons in non-SWT environments.


'find<x>' completeness - Fix up the 'find' API to be able to search the complete model...
Remove unnecessary Model elements - Those classes we've marked deprecated in the model API as well as MInputPart

Implement e4View etc handling, add e4Handler and make them work (are there any other EP's we should look at?)

Fix rendering to create WBW... - This is likely the hardest task. The idea is to allow native e4 RCP apps to use legacy 3.x stuff *without* having to use the IDE's startup logic. For example you should be able to add a PartDescriptor for a legacy part into the model and when it gets rendered the services and infrastructure it needs get created.

MEditorDescriptor + code - enable native e4 editors

new LC events - new Life Cycle events
Snippet / Fragment Work (needs new LC events)

Once the list is complete we'll ensure that there are defects for each...

How much of this gets done will depend greatly on the active participation of those who are interested,

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