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Re: [e4-dev] E4 Formal API Part 1: Dependency Injection

We had a brief offline discussion about making our API ready to play well with Java 8 closures. It looks like the current draft state is that any API *interface* with a single abstract method ("SAM type") can be used with the closure syntax. For IContextFunction/ContextFunction I might have leaned towards an abstract class in the past because it would enable us to extend it in the future, but in this case I think closure compatibility is more valuable so I propose we just have IContextFunction. A function object is about the most perfect example of a type that should be able to use closure syntax. RunAndTrack would be another candidate to make into a SAM type although that change would be more disruptive. The method RunAndTrack#runExternalCode could be a static helper declared elsewhere. Without that RunAndTrack could actually just be replaced with IContextFunction.


From:        Eric Moffatt/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
To:        E4 Project developer mailing list <e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date:        03/04/2013 04:22 PM
Subject:        [e4-dev] E4 Formal API Part 1: Dependency Injection
Sent by:        e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

It's amazing what a week's vacation will do...;-).

I've updated the wiki at to contain the current set of API that we expect to formalize within the next couple of weeks. I encourage anybody who's interested to go there and check it out...especially for things that I may have missed...if it is *not* on that page then will won't be API (at least for Kepler).

Comments welcome...

I'll try to get something similar put together for the Mode tomorrow and then on to the various services...


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