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[e4-dev] DirectMenuItem and HandledMenuItem with style CHECK or RADIO

I have problems understanding the concept of state synchronization of the application model with my code for DirectMenuItems and HandledMenuItems of type CHECK or RADIO. 

The problem is as follows:

I populate a Menu with either Direct or HandledMenuItems and except their selection states (in CHECK or RADIO) style to be according to my code. The problem is that I can't figure
out how to realize this.

In I described a possible solution for a DirectMenuElement SWT.CHECK style using the following class URI implementation:
public void initialize(MDirectMenuItem me) {
   // cover initialization stuff, sync it with code
   boolean currentlySelected = me.isSelected();

public void execute(MDirectMenuItem me) {
   // do the stuff to handle it
   // toggle the state
The problem is now, that the @PostConstruct is not injected with the resp. MDirectMenuItem, which would allow me to do the initial sychronization. It is, however dependent on the
embeddingt, injected with a MUIElement of type TrimmedWindow (for Application Main Menu or PartImpl for ViewMenu) which is wierd.

Unfortunately I have not yet found information on how this is handled correctly E4 style (cf. or or for me however the above presented code solution would be the correct one.

The problem gets even more complicated when RADIO groups come into play. But one step at a time.

If there are no opinions or remarks, I would file a bug for the correct injection on @PostConstruct to be able to care for initial synchronization.

Thanks a lot,

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