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[e4-dev] Command handler and active dialog

HI again,

I don't know if this is e4 specific, but I'm having a hard time with a otherwise simple problem.

I want to access the active Dialog from a KeyBinding Handler.
I found that the HandlerUtil.getActiveShell gives me always the parent (Workbench) Shell. Thats the same when I manually register my Dialigs Shell with the IContextService.registerShell. (Wondering why?, don't understand what I'm doing wrong here).

But all in all I think this approach won't work anyway, as I need to get grasp of the DataBindingContext of the active Dialog (I have a generic base dialog that provides always a DataBindingContext), and as far as I can see I cannot get hold of the Dialog instance when looking at the Shell the the ExecutionEvent would hopefully present to me.

What Do you think what be a clean way to get hold of the active Dialog in a command Handler in e4 style?

As always any help will be appreciated.

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