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[e4-dev] OSGi, Contexts and DI


I have previously discussed my interest in improving OSGi aspects in E4 but since my election as a committer I have been away first for holidays, and then with a lot of work on our product which left me little time to communicate much about my ideas. I wish to discuss them before I start prototyping. I apologize for the length of the mail... and I'm open (and hoping) for any comment from other committers or OSGi gurus.

Disclaimer: most of this are my findings on E4 as of late August. Things have changed in the last two months but I had no time to keep up as much as I would have wanted to. I believe most of it is still accurate, but please tell me if it's not!

Currently, in an OSGi and E4 powered RCP application, the most common pattern I see is: - definition of OSGi services through DS / Blueprint or programmatic API (from an activator for instance)
- consumption of services in the UI using E4's DI support

That seems to leave us with two directions for improvements:
(1) a way to define OSGi services from E4's DI ("outjection").
(2) improving the consumption of OSGi services using E4's DI

I believe we already have many interesting solutions for (1) like declarative services, blueprint, or other DI frameworks that support outjection for OSGi services (ie, Guice + Peaberry Activation). In a future version it might be interesting to provide the functionality because some people might be interested in using E4 contexts even for bundles that are not related to the modeled workbench UI (we toyed with that in our project, but another @Inject framework would probably be less risky for now).

So, in this mail I want to focus on the current limitations of (2) and what I'd like to do to solve them:

(i) *All services injected in UI bundles in an E4 application are bound to only one bundleContext.*

This context is created using the activator of the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench bundle, which means all services injected will be bound using this bundleContext.

I believe this goes against a design rule in OSGi best practices that contexts should not "leak" out of their bundle, and that you should bind a service using YOUR context. If a bundle X wants to get a service injected, it should be referenced using its own bundleContext so that when the bundle is stopped, the service is properly unget'ed.

Of course, it's impossible to know if a user is following this best practice, but as a good OSGi citizen the Eclipse 4 framework should do this in a cleaner way. Currently, it's also impossible to know which UI bundle is using which service, and it makes it harder to manage the dynamic aspects of UI.

(ii) *It is impossible to filter on service properties when we get injected*

When we have more than one service implementing an interface, we can't filter on properties or have an Iterable<ServicesInterface> to have all the services injected. Peaberry Activation solves this problem ...:

- it provides annotations to filter on the services. Unfortunately this is limited due to the constraints Java puts on annotation constants. - it allows multiple services on an interfaces (+ filtering on properties using annotations) to be bound if the injected parameter is of the type Iterable<ServiceInterface>. This is quite practical but also tricky with the dynamics of OSGi services (Peaberry does some magic with service variables accesses and throws exception when the service is not bound, I believe this is done using aspects but I didn't look at the code). - finally, if you can't get the service you want injected using those techniques, you can get your BundleContext injected, since it is always put in the module scope. Then it's just good ol' programming against the OSGi API.

Obviously E4's DI and Guice+Peaberry Activation have different approaches but we can get some inspiration.

So, a good first step that would address (i) and (ii) would be to allow the current bundle's BundleContext to be injected, and make sure all injected services are bound using the appropriate bundleContext. Of course, it is already possible to retrieve the bundlecontext using FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext() but I believe users would like to avoid writing this if possible.

One approach would be to set the BundleContext, one way or another, in the Eclipse Context.

Unfortunately, I think some changes are required in Eclipse Contexts to allow this to be properly implemented.

The main issue is that Eclipse Contexts are hierarchical in "one dimension". Children contexts are used for different modeled UI elements so that an UI part (such as MUILabel) can redefine a value for a key only for its "sub" context.

This hierarchy is following the model and thus can be shared between different bundles, depending on what bundle is implementing what UI part. The bundles may be split differently...

So if we are to put the bundleContext in the eclipse context, we should somehow create a "child" context every time we are in a different bundle, and it would unbalance the context tree. Unless we allow a secondary hierarchy for meta data on the contexts, this is not a good approach.

==== Proposed solution to allow the BundleContext to be injected

A more lightweight approach would be to allow injection of BundleContexts through the @Inject annotation (and in @Execute, @CanExecute, etc) using an ExtendedObjectSupplier, while not providing it in the EclipseContext. This way, one could get the bundle context using:

@Inject public void setBundleContext(BundleContext bundleContext) {
 // do something
or simply
@Inject BundleContext bc;

but this would not work:
@Inject public void setBundleContext(IEclipseContext eclipseContext) {
 BundleContext bundleContext = context.get(BundleContext.class);
 // do something

This doesn't look to me as a big limitation.

The problem, in terms of code, is that (afaik) it's possible to provide an ExtendedObjectSupplier only if you have a custom annotation as well... I'm not sure about that, but it could be changed.

I'm not sure there should be an @OSGi annotation for this, since I consider E4 is an OSGi framework and that it's one of its fundamentals.

I'm still investigating the code to get the actual BundleContext without calling FrameworkUtil.getBundle() everytime. I'm open to suggestion ;)

==== Binding injected services to the proper bundle context

First, let's remember how service injection works in stock E4 currently.
When looking for a key in the context, if there is no value, the OSGiContextStrategy (that is provided in core.contexts) will try to find a service reference for that key (treating it as an interface). If the service reference is null, the context map will then cache "null" to avoid any further lookup that may be costly. The problem is that dynamic OSGi services, which were not there at first, will never be injected in the context later on.

I believe OSGi services should never have been an "included" strategy within core.contexts, which should really contain only stuff that is to be shared at the "E4-layer" level. The problem is that eclipse contexts are finite: for a given key, a value should be there or not. The dynamic nature of OSGi services make the keyset "infinite", because the key is the interface name and a service may just "not be there yet". I'm not sure if I'm very clear here. The BundleContext could be at the eclipse context level, because it's just one interface, though.

To resolve the problem of dynamic services, I have been using a @Dynamic annotation provided by an ExtendedObjectSupplier that will (after a mandatory context lookup, unfortunately, because the context is always the PrimaryObjectSupplier) only look in the OSGi Service Registry.

I believe the next steps to take are:
- removing the OSGiContextStrategy and most "OSGi" stuff in EclipseContexts (we won't need to build the context from an OSGi bundleContext either, since we want to bind the services on each bundle's bundlecontext). The only thing left should maybe be an implicit injection of the BundleContext in the ContextObjectSupplier class (ie, the EclipseContext won't contain the BundleContext but the since the PrimaryObjectSupplier is the ContextObjectSupplier for contexts created by the modeled workbench, it can be interesting to return the BundleContext to DI asap).

- providing a @Dynamic or @Service (or @OSGi, even if I prefer @Dynamic for various reasons) annotation for all OSGi services access (bound to the proper bundleContext).

A big issue is that a lot of E4 framework code AND usercode is currently depending on OSGi service injection with no annotation, as if it were provided by the context. Unfortunately, if we don't fix this soon (for 0.11) I'm afraid even more code will depend on it and a lot of cool stuff won't be easily done.

For instance, in our current project, using our custom @Dynamic annotation, we have some views that get enabled only when a service comes up (and we use databinding as soon as it comes up to bind it to the UI).

Why not keep the current OSGiContextStrategy and provide the annotation for users who require this feature? Well, apart for some bugs and shortcoming, as I wrote, I believe the OSGiContextStrategy truly does not belong in Eclipse Contexts due to the fact that we can never know if a key will exist later on, they are like a "black hole".

In Peaberry Activation, every bundle has a "Config" java file referenced in the Manifest which says which services will be used (and exported), so the @Inject works only on those services that have been explicitly marked as being dynamic/OSGi.

Since we don't have a similar config file, and that it's not really in E4's philosophy, the @Dynamic annotation does about the same by explicitly marking an interface to be injected as an OSGi service.

=== Summary

Sorry if this was a long read (and for any mistake). I hope it's still relevant.

I propose:
==> Removing a lot of OSGi stuff e4.core.contexts
==> Allowing BundleContexts to be injected "by default"
==> Providing an @Dynamic or @Service annotation to get all services (and yes, if it's a service, you can't get it without the annotation).
==> Updating the framework so that it still works with the changes

- annotation properties to filter on OSGI properties
- 0..n service injection when type is Iterable<ServiceInterface> ?

I'll open a bug and start coding if other people are interested.

Please comment!


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