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[e4-dev] E4 / 4.0 Architectural Review

There's a new wiki page at

This page contains the list of features/capabilities that have been identified as being necessary to either allow e4 to provide enterprise level UI's or need to be re-examined in an effort to correct architectural deficiencies that were discovered too late to be addressed before the 4.0 release.

This is a 'working document' and, as such, is not linked to (yet) from the E4 main page. People that are interested in participating are urged to read (and update!!) this page over the next week. This will be a major discussion topic at next week's E4 call. Getting these issues settled asap is important because the decisions we make may fundamentally affect how we do things and will need to be in place *before* we start seriously attacking component defects found during testing.

Most important would be to identify whether the page covers everything that must be handled, if we miss something it may jeopardize the release, depending on what we missed (really and truly...if we forgot that we needed NLS support then 4.1 would be useless as an enterprise platform). Please add anything you believe is required to the wiki page above.


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