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[e4-dev] [releng] [ui] build submission

tagged v20100610-2030

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 314163. perspective switcher docking behavior (NEW)
+ Bug 316294. MenuContribution positionInParent should work (NEW)
+ Bug 316296. [Compatibility] Turn WorkbenchActionBuilder into models (FIXED)
+ Bug 316298. [Compatibility] Support o.e.ui.menus visibleWhen (NEW)
+ Bug 316450. [Compatibility] Secondary workbench windows are created
as MWindows instead of MTrimmedWindows (FIXED)
+ Bug 316482. Active tab colour flickers when bringing up the context
menu on a view (FIXED)
+ Bug 316558. [XMI] Changes to a window's main menu is not being
persisted properly (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 314163. perspective switcher docking behavior (NEW)
+ Bug 316294. MenuContribution positionInParent should work (NEW)
+ Bug 316296. [Compatibility] Turn WorkbenchActionBuilder into models (FIXED)
+ Bug 316298. [Compatibility] Support o.e.ui.menus visibleWhen (NEW)
+ Bug 316450. [Compatibility] Secondary workbench windows are created
as MWindows instead of MTrimmedWindows (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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