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RE: [e4-dev] Extension of Eclipse Resource Management to work with REST repositories

Hi all,

I have uploaded the promised implementation to the bug 292197 ( I am now adding some documentation in Eclipse Wiki (

The uploaded implementation also includes a modified e4 Photo Demo that is now capable to work not only with local hard drive but also with any images available on the Internet. ;-) You will find instructions how to run the Photo Demo app in Enjoy. 

The implementation also contains a lot of examples showing the capabilities of Semantic File System. You will find the description at

Best regards,
Eduard Bartsch

-----Original Message-----
From: e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bartsch, Eduard
Sent: Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 15:03
To: e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [e4-dev] Extension of Eclipse Resource Management to work with REST repositories
Sensitivity: Confidential

Hi all,

I was following the flexible resources work in e4 with great interest and would like to take part on next steps in improving Eclipse resource management. 

I have filed a feature request in Bugzilla ( to extend resource management towards integration of REST repositories. I have developed a prototype implementation with some SAP colleagues that I will publish after passing SAP-internal IP clearance. 

I will give a short talk at ESE'09 ( ) about the topic. And I would be glad to meet some of you in person at ESE to talk about resources stuff.

Best regards,

Eduard Bartsch
Development Architect
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
T +49 6227 7-47474

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