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RE: [e4-dev] Re: [wtp-pmc] Proposal for JSDT as a project

> > IMHO, e4 needs a “killer app” in the way that JDT was for the original
> > Eclipse versions. I’ve hold little hope that the JDT project in its
> > current form could fill that role.
> The killer app for the original release was, IMHO, everything it
> contained: the combination of a cross-platform high performance
> widget set, the JFace abstractions on top of it, the astonishingly
> good Java tools, the PDE, documentation, and other things I'm sure
> I'm forgetting, all working in concert.  I don't know that this
> project alone can be that, nor do I think any single project can
> claim to be that in the increasingly diverse Eclipse ecosystem.  The
> movement of the debugging support is, as in other cases, happening
> because it can safely be run on the 3.x platform.  Work on
> supporting bundles written in JavaScript is very likely to remain in
> e4, at least through Helios.

Meh. This is *not* worth arguing about. We will have to agree to disagree. My view is that you are absolutely right that the Eclipse platform has a wealth of important and worthy technologies that work well together. But the vast bulk (>80%) of the people who download and use Eclipse don't care. In the 1.0 timeframe, for them JDT == Eclipse. 

> > I would also note that this project lacks diversity. All of the
> > committers are from IBM. Who else wants to step up to participate? Can
> > we please (pretty please!) endeavour to create more diversity on this
> > project before it is formally created?
> I'm working on an updated version to address Neil's specificity
> questions, and to list at add a non-IBMer as an interested party.
> However, I will be limiting the initial list of committers to folks
> who are bringing in code that they're going to keep working on,
> which I believe is how things are also handled in e4-land.  Anything
> less would feel disrespectful to the folks who earned their
> Committer privileges during the time that JSDT has been a shipping
> component of WTP Source Editing.


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