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Re: [e4-dev] Integration of Scripting Languages

Hi, e4 dev team.

I agree Hallvard's comment!

Because how do you think about Scripting Engine's native feature like "readline history" and content completion feature. JRuby runtime engine is supported both features.But these features are not supported in BSF and and JSR 233 "javax.scripting" packages.
So,I need to support language-specific integration.


Hallvard Trætteberg wrote:
Tom Schindl wrote:

This way not only JavaScript (mostlikely the Rhino implementation) can
be used to create and run scripts for Java applications and Java
frameworks, but *any* of the many scripting languages for which script
engines have been written for BSF 3.0/"javax.script" and listed e.g. at
<> with no real additional effort on the
side of the Java application and framework implementors.


What I'd like to propose is that instead of using Rhino-Directly in
JSContributionFactory to go through the BSF and hence support various
scripting frameworks out of the box.

I completely agree that we should go through javax.scripting/Apache BSF for basic scripting support.

Still, we should remember that there are different levels of integration desired, that may require language-specific integration. With javax.scripting you can execute scripts in a scope, lookup variables in a scope, etc. Often you want to go further than that, by exploiting specific language features. E.g. in the Javascript support for EMF a richer API is provided that exploits Javascript's function objects.

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