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Re: [e4-dev] Integration of Scripting Languages

Tom Schindl wrote:

This way not only JavaScript (mostlikely the Rhino implementation) can
be used to create and run scripts for Java applications and Java
frameworks, but *any* of the many scripting languages for which script
engines have been written for BSF 3.0/"javax.script" and listed e.g. at
<> with no real additional effort on the
side of the Java application and framework implementors.


What I'd like to propose is that instead of using Rhino-Directly in
JSContributionFactory to go through the BSF and hence support various
scripting frameworks out of the box.

I completely agree that we should go through javax.scripting/Apache BSF for basic scripting support.

Still, we should remember that there are different levels of integration desired, that may require language-specific integration. With javax.scripting you can execute scripts in a scope, lookup variables in a scope, etc. Often you want to go further than that, by exploiting specific language features. E.g. in the Javascript support for EMF a richer API is provided that exploits Javascript's function objects.


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