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[e4-dev] thoughts on I20090708-1930

A stream of consciousness look at starting up the latest e4 i-build...

  • initial layout looks odd; editor area is about 2" wide
  • why is this called the Java perspective? with the "E4 Model" view on the right, it clearly isn't; maybe label it "e4"?
  • having the "E4 Model" view there (and the associated stack underneath it) is cool, but it should have a different color (or something) to distinguish it's "metaness" from the rest of the views; would also be good if you could close it
  • still seeing 2 Run menus and 2 Design menus; 2nd Run menu has (just) 2 "Breakpoint Types" items
  • on the mac, it doesn't look like I'm getting any CSS styling
  • tried dragging Outline view somewhere more useful; didn't work, so I tried using the "E4 Model' view to do it:
    • first attempt: into the left hand stack, but dropped in the wrong place and ended up with the Outline view as its own perspective (that's both cool and weird)
    • second attempt: into the "stickyRight" stack; seemed to work, but then I couldn't figure out how to make it visible
  • opened the "CVS Repository Exploring" perspective
    • checked out the e4 projects, said run in background, then realized I could no longer see progress
    • tried "show view" -> other -> Progress, but nothing appeared to happen
    • clicked back on Java perspective and saw Progress view visible and updating
  • exited and restarted; noticed that I had lost all of the perspective and layout changes


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