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Re: [e4-dev] Firewidgets prototype application

Sounds good! I have tried to run your code from github but had not enough time to get it working. I guess a screenshot or ideally screencast would help me understand what you are trying to do (even if it is just a simple example).

I'll put together a screencast when I am a bit further along. The current demo is not really worth featuring yet.

> If there is anything I can do to speed along the resolution of bug
> 262414 please let me know.

Grant should be on this mailing list too. He is currently on vacation for a week but I hope he can comment on this when he is back.
In the meantime, is there a way for you to work around this limitation?

As mentioned I will not be able to commit any real time to this for the next 2 to 3 months (my wife and I are nearly finished building our house). I can work around the bug for the first little while, but it would make things a lot easier for me if it was fixed. I was hoping that a few months are sufficient enough to be able to resolve it. I am hoping it is a fairly easy fix.


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