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[e4-dev] CSS relationship to e4 workbench

(Was titled: "[e4-dev] API for Workbench Model" in response to Kai's question but realized the topic was larger, especially see #1 below)

> I want to enhance my contacts demo to dynamically create menu items for all styles in a given directory.
> Right now there is no Java API for that. Any thoughts about that?

No but sounds like a great contribution for a new committer :)  I'd be happy to help with this.

A note on architecture:

Currently the modelled UI is independent of CSS, with the plugin org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt listing the CSS plugins as optional dependencies.  The class WorkbenchApplication looks for a product property "applicationCSS" which is a path pointing to the style sheet.  For the photo app it looks like:


If the property is set (and the URI resolves) then we call the class WorkbenchStylingSupport which reads in the CSS style sheet via reflection (ugh).

A few comments:

1) The use of optional dependencies is cool, but makes writing more code here tricky since it must be reflective which is brutal to write (I believe Boris has a "reflectify" refactor but that only helps the first time and change/debug is still a challenge).  It also is a potential point of introducing errors if we forget to add the CSS plugins to the product since the tooling won't warn you of their absence (being optional).

I think it's ok to have the modelled UI be CSS free.  I question the practical value of workbench.swt being CSS neutral.  I think a theming story *must* be a part of the workbench and at present CSS is it.  At an abstract level, I believe that changing the shape of the workbench and changing the look go hand in hand.  At a practical level, without the CSS support, we have no way to talk about colors and fonts in the workbench, and would therefore need some other preference based theming support like in 3.x.  We're not doing that.

An argument for optional is that you'd like to avoid the footprint of CSS and just build a 'vanilla' unstyled RCP app.  But even the embedded guys are interested in CSS.  So who's the audience?  I think we should just endeavour to fix the CSS footprint problem, which we want to do anyway.  Non workbench modelled apps can still be CSS free.

If we still strongly believe that CSS should be separate from the workbench then we should add a plugin for it, giving us a place to write non-reflective code.

Side note: we currently have with methods that look suspiciously like CSS API <grin>).  Ideally these methods would be in SWT, see  I don't believe it expresses something general about styling, that you could apply it to any existing styling engine, so we should just admit it's CSS.  In which case, the service should be declared and made available logically joined to how we make available the styling engine itself (either in the workbench or in an optional CSS plugin).

2) A menu for providing the available styles -- where would this code live?  This decision will be dependent on the decision in (1) above and (3) below.

3) We currently only have a single CSS product property which is insufficient.

Option A)

The obvious option is to instead have two properties:

1 : applicationCSSFolderPath : an URL pointing to the directory containing all the style sheets
2 : applicationCSSDefaultName : the default style sheet name to use

as well as a preference to hold the current choice, being potentially different than the default.

But that assumes that the menu for choosing the CSS theme would consist of file names.  I'm not sure that's what we want to display to the user, a more descriptive name might be nicer, and there's NLS issues.

Option B)

Would be separate plugin.xml entries for each potential CSS style sheet, each entry having it's own NLS key, and the ability to identify one of them as the default.  The disadvantage is that you can't just drop a new style sheet file in and have it show up in the menu.  The advantage is NLS as well as the potential ability to have other plugins add to the list.

Option C)

Finally, we could instead have an entry in the Application.ecore / xmi for the available styles, which seems the more "in" way to do it, but makes the notion of style sheets explicit in the model (good and bad, back to #1 above).  Presumably it would facilitate the construction of the menu. We could then provide reusable code for building this menu of available styles, with each RCP product deciding to include or not include the menu at the XMI editing level.


"Toedter, Kai" <kai.toedter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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04/03/2009 11:03 AM

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[e4-dev] API for Workbench Model


I want to enhance my contacts demo to dynamically create menu items for all styles in a given directory. Right now there is no Java API for that. Any thoughts about that?

Best regards,


Kai Tödter

Siemens AG
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