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Re: [e4-dev] A missing framework piece: contexts?

John Arthorne schrieb:

"Bag" is just a Smalltalk term for an unordered collection. Essentially a context is just a map, with extra logic for tracking dynamic changes, injection, and a notion of a parent context. If the most local context can't supply a value, it delegates to the parent. As Kevin suggested this allows modeling of things like the widget hierarchy where a tab in a view might be one context, the view itself another context, another context for the window, etc, up to a global application context. You're right that the injection logic can (and probably should) be separated from the context logic since it's unlikely to change.
Hey this sounds like JavaScript's prototype based inheritance :-) Steve Yegge has a great blog post about this pattern <>.

Best Fabian

Fabian Jakobs
JavaScript Framework Developer

1&1 Internet AG
Brauerstraße 48
76135 Karlsruhe

Amtsgericht Montabaur HRB 6484

Vorstand: Henning Ahlert, Ralph Dommermuth, Matthias Ehrlich, Thomas Gottschlich, Matthias Greve, Robert Hoffmann, Markus Huhn, Oliver Mauss, Achim Weiss
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren

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