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[e4-dev] A missing framework piece: contexts?

“Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things”.

I think this is exactly how the concept of contexts came to life. Our code runs in some environment; way too often we need to pass tens of arguments from method to method and from class to class just to keep them aware of the environment.

To make it easier we are considering adding a concept of "context". At the conceptual level a "context" is a combination of:
- a bag that could be stuffed with elements that compose environment, and
- a mechanism to inject elements from the bag into your POJO objects

The contexts are organized in a hierarchy. Child context can add service objects that make sense at their level:
        IEquinoxContext  myContext = ApplicationContext.newChild();
        myContext.addObject("log", myLog);

The service objects from the context can be injected into POJO objects using field and method injection:


resulting in the field object.equinoxLog being set to "myLog".

Contexts support dynamic events and multiple service objects per ID. In addition, contexts can be tied into creation of objects from the extension registry and help access OSGi services.

I'd like to raise this subject at the E4 call to see what people think about it. The details of this work can be found in the enhancement request 259423:

Oleg Besedin

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