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Re: [e4-dev] Declarative UIs and EMF


In few words Wazaabi 2.0 is based on EMF metamodels, one is abstract and others are concrete. Wazaabi is also fully dynamic. Users changes are reflected into models & model modifications are also refreshed into the view. Nothing prevent us from having (dynamic too) facades for other UI metamodels (like XAML, XUL, ...).

I now remember I read about Wazaabi in a previous posting. At that time I was very focused on XSWT, and didn't pay (enough) attention to it. However, after thinking about many issues, I've come to favor (as you may have noticed from previous postings) an explicit EMF model (being used as a facade to the toolkit). From your description Wazaabi is very close to the desired goals.

Have you taken a look at the swtui.ecore model I attached to a previous posting? How different/similar is that model to your model?

I'll take a look give feedback later (perhaps in Germany?). Perhaps I can help by contributing scripting support?


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