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[dtp-dev] RE: Request a new build of DTP plugins to include the fix of the bugzilla bug #313853

I downloaded the RC3 I-build, and found that both the o.e.d.e.oda.xml.ui and bundles do have the latest tag v201005241330 .   Perhaps the BIRT all-in-one build needs to include the latest DTP RC3 I-build?
In any case, only critical bug fixes would fit in the criteria to rebuild at this stage.  We will be branching DTP CVS this week, and start the 1.8.1 build for non critical bug fixes.

From: Xiaoxiao Wu
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 3:02 AM
To: dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Linda Chan; Mingxia Wu
Subject: Request a new build of DTP plugins to include the fix of the bugzilla bug #313853

Here is a request of a new DTP build in order to include the fix of the bugzilla bug #313853.


The fix was checked into CVS in 24th May which involved the two plugins “org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.xml.ui” and “”. And the corresponding tag has been updated as well as the maps information. But I cannot find the updated codes yet in the latest open source BIRT.


I think there might be something wrong with the latest tag v201005241330 so that the bug still exists in the current BIRT.


I know the build of DTP RC3 has been completed now, so I fire a request to you that the build of DTP plugins should be updated. Maybe I need to tag the two plugins once more time?




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