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[dtp-dev] DTP 1.0M3 candidate build now on download site

The DTP 1.0M3 candidate build is now on the download site. The link has not
updated on the download page yet for some reason, but here's the direct

As mentioned in my email yesterday
(, we ask that
everyone takes some time today to test this candidate.

Also, an update for the same email from yesterday: a summary of open M2 and
M3 bugs:

M2: Still 3 bugs, all in Connectivity, registered for this milestone.....
M3: Still 5 bugs, 4 in Connectivity, and 1 in Model Base

I ask that we update the status of these items today. If they are complete,
please mark them as so. If they needed to be deferred, please reset the
target milestone accordingly.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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