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[dtp-dev] PMC review of DTP Callisto features

Yesterday the PMC met and discussed the proposed features for DTP Callisto.
In general the feeling was that DTP Callisto must emphasize stability over
features and that a number of the features proposed were either "nice to
have" or too risky to contain within Callisto. I have updated the Wiki
pages with the features that the PMC approved. If a feature has not been
approved and you feel that it should be in Callisto, please petition
dtp-pmc with an argument supporting your position, and the PMC will
reconsider the issue.

Another theme that emerged was the need for unit tests. The adopter
community sees unit tests as a way to independently verify a project's
stability, and a lack of unit test raises red flags. Currently DTP has very
few unit tests, and we will not be able to graduate to "1.0" in this state.
Therefore, the PMC will ask that each project provide as many unit tests as
possible in DTP Callisto. A separate email about this subject will be sent
to dtp-dev shortly.

Finally, the PMC is working on an endgame plan for DTP Callisto. This will
use the "test-fix" approach employed by the platform. It is important that
bug fixes and approved feature work occur only during the "fix" cycles, and
that we all help out with testing during the "test" cycles (which can
include unit test creation too). When the endgame plan is made public in
the next few days, these "fix" windows will be clear. For the time being,
we ask that you concentrate on bug fixes, including prioritizing BZ
entries, if you haven't already done so.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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