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[dsdp-tm-dev] RE: Eclipse RSE: Problem with SSH keys

Hello Dmitry,
  1. What version of RSE are you using (Ganymede 3.0.1)?
  2. Can you login to the remote if you do provide the password?
  3. WinSCP works without password, even for user "root"?
  4. Are you sure that the private key used by WinSCP is the same as the one used by RSE? Not re-generated? Note that the public key needs to be stored on the remote, typically in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
Just to rule out a few things, "SSH Only" is fine (no difference compared to the other types). the RSE Certificates on the SSL preference page are for dstore only and not at all related to SSH.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: Dmitriy Kruglyak [mailto:dkruglyak@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:50 AM
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Subject: Eclipse RSE: Problem with SSH keys

Hi Martin,


I hope you could help me. I am trying to follow your directions here and having problems:


I have SSH login into my Amazon EC2 server working just fine with WinSCP. Now, I set up Eclipse/RSE, exported OpenSSH key from PuTTyGen,  loaded it through the Key Management tab, then used “Save Private Key” button to save it as “id_rsa” which is listed correctly in “General” tab. Just in case, I also made sure that the files (id_rsa and exist and contain the key. I restarted Eclipse just in case.


However, when I try to make a connection (user “root”, no password entered), I always get “Auth fail” error. I tried to create various types of connections “SSH only”, “Linux” or “FTP only” but nothing works. This should not be a server problem as WinSCP works fine… I even tried to import my Amazon EC2 certificate into Remote Systems -> SSL menu dialog, but this did not help either.


What could be wrong? Where to look for problems? I am out of ideas on how to troubleshoot this…





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