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[dsdp-tm-dev] Re: RSE server (dstore) packaging

Hello Patrick,

these questions are dstore specific, others might be more
knowledgeable here than I am, but here's the releng related

* We build the rseserver-*.tar archives as part of our
  nightly releaese engineering process, see the project (shortly to be replaced

* Right, the JARs are the same in all server packages,
  only the *.sh / *.pl / *.bat scripts differ

* I'd think that "Create Jar" should work to replace
  a pre-buildt jar by something from your workspace,
  but I can't say for sure -- forwarding to the Developer
  Mailing list for comments

* Downgrading to require only Java 1.3 on the server
  seems a good idea to me, but I do not know if it is
  technically viable - Dave?

Did you consider TCF or SSH on the server side? Why do
you think you'd want dstore?

Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

Patrick Tassé wrote:
I'm working on a Eclipse Tracing prototype for Ericsson's CPP platform and am evaluating the use of RSE for this task. I have a few questions.

1) How are the rse-3.0-xxxxx.tar archives from the DSDP-TM downloads page created? I saw that you can do Create JAR by right-clicking on a .jardesc file in the project, is this how you do it? But is there an automatic way to package all the .jar files and scripts corresponding to the target platform in an archive, or is it done manually (Export -> Archive File?) or with an external script not part of the project files?

2) Is there any difference in the contents of the .jar files or in build options depending on the target platform? I'm assuming not since I saw for example all 5 implementations of UniversalXxxxxProcessHandler.class in the Linux archive's jar files.

3) Some of our CPP nodes only have Java 1.3.1 installed. I saw that there is a hard requirement for Java 1.4 when launching the server, but by changing the Executing Environment of the JRE System Library to J2SE-1.3 in the RSE server projects' Java Build Path, I found that the only incompatibilities occur when the DataStore is using SSL, and in the document/xml handling of the SystemMessageFile. Do you think that an 'amputated' RSE server could be viable without those two things, in case Java 1.3.1 in the server side becomes a requirement for our prototype?

Thank you,

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