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[dsdp-tm-dev] FYI: TCF Agent migration to EDL completed

Hi all,
this is to inform you that the "agent" portion of TCF has successfully
migrated to an EPL / EDL dual-licensing scheme.
The EDL (Eclipse Distribution License) is a very permissive BSD
license, which basically says that you can pick up, compile, modify,
distribute the sources at your will as long as a single disclaimer
is distributed along with the final product.
Compared to the EPL, this particularly means that products picking
up the TCF agent do *not* need to specify what source file versions
exactly went into the product, which makes distribution and shipping
of commercial products such as mobile phones etc a lot easier.
For more info, committers can read the CQ:
and everyone can read the EDL text:
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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