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[dsdp-tm-dev] API breaking change in IHostFileToRemoteFileAdapter: need your opinion

While working on bug 233461 (Refresh expanded folder under filter refreshes Filter),
DaveM and I found that the way our IHostFileToRemoteFileAdapter is currently
defined is not entirely consistent, and does less compile-time type checking
than would make sense.
The two methods in the adapter currently return IRemoteFile types, but in reality
it doesn't make sense to return any IRemoteFile that isn't actually an AbstractRemoteFile.
I would therefore like to change this API as per bug 235363 . This is a breaking
API change because any implementer of an IFileService will need to adapt his
source code; but it does not break semantics in any way, since the return
value would have had to be an AbstractRemoteFile anyways.
Read more details on the bug, and comment with +1/0/-1 on the bug please.
I know that this is a VERY LATE breaking change, but I'm very confident
that doing this now is for the best of our clients since it allows for better
static type checking and thus more safety.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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