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[dsdp-tm-dev] Progress on new TM Releng

Hi all,

here's an update on my progress with the new Releng scripts:

1.) SearchCVS is working -- look here:

2.) Builds can be launched from the Web, run fully automated 
    including UI Tests and Compile Logs:

3.) Here are build results from a sample run:

4.) Here is a sample of the Unit Test Results:

Contact me if you want the password for running the releng
builds from the Web yourselves.

There's still a few bits to shake out like outdated links still
pointing to the Modeling project, promotion to Eclipse, wrong
ZIP package names, automated release notes, and others. The left 
navigation bar is also still from the modeling project and needs 
to be changed to what we want. But it's a start -- more tomorrow,

Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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