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Re: [dsdp-tm-dev] ready to begin 2.0?

PS: Our upcoming Europa M4 release (jan 4th) will be a very important
one, since it will be the first time that the TM / RSE stuff can be installed
from the SAME update site as cdt, emf, tptp and all other major eclipse
projects. It can be installed without typing in an update site name, since
the Europa site comes pre-configured with the 3.3M4 platform.

This means a big increase in visibility among the projects, and we cannot
allow a drop in quality for this. Thus I'm personally against API changes
right now, but rather wait 2 more weeks and further work on quality,
stability, bug fixes and - especially - test cases in order to make sure we
can _maintain_ high quality while we are changing API's and functionality.


Martin Oberhuber schrieb:
Hi Dave,

These are good questions.
Let's discuss these in the committer meeting tomorrow.

For now, I would like everyone to focus on the unit tests.
We MUST increase our test coverage in order to reduce the time wasted through manual tests, increase our stability, and insure that code / implementation changes keep the API contracts intact.

So, everyone - until this is discussed and decided among the committers, please don't break the APIs and start implementing more test cases instead. You could start e.g. with a bug that needs to be fixed: write a test case that fails for this bug, then fix the bug and ensure that the test case runs ok.


David Dykstal schrieb:
Martin -

I've stored up some API changes that would need to go into our 2.0 stream.
I can begin these today, but want to make sure that the head stream is
ready to be used for 2.0. I would rather these get into the stream sooner than later so that folks have time to adjust. I expect most of these to be
quite small. Do you think we are ready to do this?

Also, as we modify the code base for 2.0, should the developers making the changes assume the responsibility for updating the version numbers of the
appropriate plugins and features, or should this be centralized?

David Dykstal

dsdp-tm-dev mailing list

Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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