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[dsdp-tm-dev] Re: SSH Linux Remote Project Save

Hello Edward,

thanks a lot for your report.

Unfortunately, the RSE EFS (Remote Filesystem) provider is still very experimental by now, so the problems you experiences are sort of expected though not yet all documented. In other words: you're better off using the normal RSE Systems View, copy&paste and drag&drop for upload/download for now.

If you search for bugs, on EFS, they should be tagged with [efs] on the RSE bugzilla database. If you find your issues to be new ones, please do add them to bugzilla, adding an [efs] tag for them. Unfortunately, it turned out that there are some conceptual problems with how RSE maintains its remote files cache vs. the way EFS works internally. A major redesign might be required to get these problems fixed eventually.

In the meantime, we'll happily receive bug reports, since these will also help us better understand what users are trying to do with RSE and the EFS integration.

Martin Oberhuber
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

Edward Mann wrote:

Before i submit a bug(s), i want to make sure that it has not already
been posted. I searched through the bug list and did not turn up
anything. I am sure this may be more than one bug. I am using Linux/
Eclipse 3.2 and RSE 1.0RC4.

1. I can create a remote project now using the
New->Project->General->Other method. Un-select "Use default location"
select RSE and select the path. When i click finish i get an error
message. "Internal Error: null"  I click OK. A new folder shows up and
is open so i can edit the files.

2. If i save the file from the remote project directory that is in my
Navigator view, and not the Remote System. Things work fine no error.
But when i check the remote machine the files have not been saved to it.
Now if i open the same file in the Remote System view. I will see my
changes. So i will make 1 small change so that i can save the file
again. Once i do that and save it uploads to the server. Is there some
setting so that i can get my remote projects to sync the file on save to
the server?

3. After i close the project and re-open it I get the following Error.
"An internal error occurred during: "Open Project"". The project is
opened and i can edit the files.
4. When i close Eclipse and start it back up. My remote-projects are not
available. What i mean by that is that the folders show up, but if i try
and open the project. i get the following error. "Failed to read the project description file (.project) for dev39. The
file has been changed on disk, and it now contains invalid information.
The project will not function properly until the description file is
restored to a valid state."
 I first need to go to Remote System and "connect" to the system that
the project is linked to. Is there a way to get the project to request
the connection on it's own?

I would like to thank the team that has built this great plug-in for
eclipse. It is awesome. However if the features that i am trying to use
are not for release 1.0 i am sorry for an unwarranted post. Again thank
you for a great application.
Also the reason i explain myself so much is so that if anyone is
searching the forum, they will find detail explanation for a task. Also
to help insure that i have followed proper procedure. If i have missed
something please let me know.

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