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[dsdp-pmc] RE: antlr CQ

Hi Dave,
Well in an ideal world it would be great to have LOTS of software approved by Eclipse Legal and thus ready for redistribution.
But in the world today, the resources of the Eclipse Legal team are limited and thus any work they would do for ANTR tools is at the expense of other libraries to be approved. Of course you could go and apply for ANTLR tools, mention in a comment that it's not strictly required (i.e. communicate the priority you see for it), and then have the Eclipse Legal team determine if and when they want to review. Perhaps they'd do some initial review to estimate rough size of the work and if it's even realistic to ever get it approved. That may be helpful, but with Galileo wrapping up now you'd get even such initial feedback not before August I guess.
Given the long time it needs to get something approved, you also need to keep in mind that the library (ANTLR tools) evolves at the same time, so at the time Eclipse Legal is ready to review 3.1 you may already want 3.1.5.
Because of these things, and because I guess you want to get something out of the door, I believe that you'll have to live with downloading ANTLR tools separately for some time at least. Thus my initial suggestion.
If you still believe that you'd want the tools eventually , you can file a CQ since it's always good to communicate your intent and wishes to those who know what to do with them. Be sure to communicate clearly your priority.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: Russo, David [mailto:d-russo@xxxxxx]
Sent: Dienstag, 05. Mai 2009 00:53
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Cc: DSDP PMC list
Subject: RE: antlr CQ



Thanks, it does help. 


One last try at convincing you that distributing the whole antlr jar might be a good thing …

  • the current XDCtools product (from TI) does ship the ANTLR tool (we build and test with the same pieces delivered to the customer)
  • the only other tools required to build XDCtools are a java compiler and a native host C compiler (and a previous release of XDCtools).  Everyone who expects to rebuild something for eclipse has both Java and C already in installed on the development host as are SCM tools.
  • it's one more tool and a sequence of steps that can go wrong; just because there are other error prone steps doesn't mean we can add one more without feeling guilty
  • I might be wrong, but I thought Ant was shipped with eclipse.


That said, if your intuition is that requiring contributors (and committers) to manage the ANTLR tool as a separate "component" of their build environment is better than trying to re-distribute ANTLR within XDCtools (and eclipse), then we'll go with just the runtime.  After all, we _can_ work around the issue and build procedures are not easy.


This raises a related question.  We (like many other teams) place all of the tools used to produce a product under change control so, if necessary, we can reproduce the product many years after it has been released.  Is there a list of all tools used to build eclipse published with each release of eclipse? 


Thanks again,






From: Oberhuber, Martin [mailto:Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 2:17 PM
To: Russo, David
Cc: DSDP PMC list
Subject: RE: antlr CQ


Hi Dave,


after a little thought, I think you should apply for ANTLR runtime only.


I find it quite natural that non-EPL tools are required for building some software: just think about compilers for the DLL's / sharedlibs (MS devstudio, gcc, make), CM tools (subversion), build tools (ant). It's not unexpected IMO that the build instructions for RTSC include instructions where to get and how to install the full ANTLR from some 3rd party source. Since you're not going to ship the ANTLR tools, nobody will care whether they are under EPL or not.


At the same time, you should probably think about committing the ANTRL-compiled grammars into CVS/SVN -- basically the counterpart of committing precompiled DLL's / sharedlibs into CVS like the Platform team does.


Does that help?




Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River

Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member




From: Russo, David [mailto:d-russo@xxxxxx]
Sent: Montag, 04. Mai 2009 23:03
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Subject: RE: antlr CQ

I believe it only covers the ANTLR runtime not the tool itself:



From: Oberhuber, Martin [mailto:Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 1:59 PM
To: Russo, David
Subject: RE: antlr CQ


Did you check ipzilla whether any version of antlr has been approved already?

I seem to remember that older versions were deemed not to be EPL compatible whereas a newer one (antlr 3.1 ??) was approved.




Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River

Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member




From: Russo, David [mailto:d-russo@xxxxxx]
Sent: Montag, 04. Mai 2009 22:55
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Cc: Russo, David
Subject: antlr CQ



I have a "judgment call" question I'd like your opinion on. 



As you probably know, the RTSC IDL is implemented using and ANTLR grammar.  In addition, in order to ensure RTSC build tooling is regularly tested with "real use", we use RTSC to re-build the RTSC tools.  For the RTSC team there is little difference between

·   what is required to build RTSC and

·   what is required to use RTSC (except for the target C compilers of course).


During the IP review of the XDCtools, we have a pre-requisite dependency on ANTLR.  Other projects only require the ANTLR runtime; i.e., a subset of the ANTLR distribution sufficient to use an ANTLR generated grammar.  But, in order to re-build the RTSC project's tools from source, more than the runtime is required; the ANTLR tool itself must be used to "compile" the supplied grammar.  Since we currently use RTSC tools to build RTSC's tools we currently distribute more than just the runtime - we distribute an unmodified antlr.jar that contains both the runtime and the ANTLR tool.  However, like other projects, to _use_ RTSC tools only the runtime is required.



Should I request an IP review of the _entire_ ANTLR package (tool and runtime) so that RTSC can re-build RTCS without additional installation steps ("get the full antlr jar with the right version and copy … then modify …."),



Re-building RTSC is obviously low on most peoples list of priorities so if it's complicated it may not be a big deal.  Moreover, I don't want to "rock the boat" by insisting on something we can work around.  On the other hand, re-distributing the unmodified antlr.jar from ensures that the right version of the ANTLR tool is always available and no additional installation steps are required to rebuild the IDL (in case someone want's to quickly try a change/addition to the Grammar).


From an ease of use point of view, I'd much prefer to distribute the complete ANTLR.  From an eclipse community member point of view, I don't want to unnecessarily burden others with work just for my convenience.  Any comments or perspectives would be appreciated.






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