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Re: [Dltk-dev] stable-5.3 branch for DLTK

Hi again,

I went ahead and did the following:
- created 'stable-5.3' branch, forked from the R5_3_1 tag, for all git repos except the ShellEd one. We need fixes only for dltk.core, but from build perspective it is easier to increment the version of all bundles.
- created 'dltk-stable' job on the HIPP that does that builds the 'stable-5.3' branch.
- created 'promote-stable' job on the HIPP that promotes the builds results of the 'dltk-stable' job to the update site.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I want to create a stable-5.3 branch in the o.e.dltk.core git repository. The goal is to cherry-pick some important fixes from the master branch and deliver 5.3.x maintenance releases.

The latest release of our product, Zend Studio, is based on Mars.1. Now, we are working on a maintenance release and we need some important fixes in DLTK, but without taking everything that goes in the master branch. We want to reduce the risk of regressions as much of possible.

There is some additional effort to have these DLTK maintenance releases, but I commit to do all the necessary releng work. 

Of course, the party is open for everyone who wants to take advantage of such stable branch. Let me know - we can coordinate what goes in.

Any objections?


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