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Re: [Dltk-dev] problem with dltk-search

Hi Sebastian,

Lets me start from few words about how DLTK search are work:

DLTK are separated in two phases:

1) Indexing.

In this phase IDE will fill all possible items into disk index.
Default implementation fill index using structure parser results.

So first you need to be sure all items are going into index.

So please check calls to org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.IElementRequestor class from your source parser.

Methods "enterField", "enterMethod", "enterType" and appropriate "exit*" methods should be called for declaration items.
Be sure to call appropriate exit methods, for structure to be correct.
And methods "acceptMethodReference", "acceptTypeReference", "acceptFieldReference" should be called for references.

To check index file consistency you could query index directly using:
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.*;

IProject prj = ... ;
IndexManager im = ModelManager.getModelManager().getIndexManager();
Index idx = im.getIndex(prj.getFullPath()); // This is index file for project root
// And then check using
idx.queryDocumentNames(null);// To check all documents in this index
// or
char[][] category = {IIndexConstants.TYPE_DECL};
idx.query(category, new char[]{'*'}, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);

So before going deep you need to check indexes produced by your parser are correct.

2) Search. Find matches -> Provide search results.
There is two ways to implement search.
First is to use DLTK default implementation if you are using DLTK AST,
it would be OK if your model fit well to:

And second is to provide custom IMatchLocator based implementation.

So begin search:
 a) Search for matches
On every search DLTK will query index for all possible matches and then use only required ones.

Using standard MatchLocator
b) Collect possible matches by using IMatchLocatorParser parser interface to process ModuleDeclaration into match'et nodes. Please look into method.
  It uses visitor pattern to visit ModuleDeclaration.
From visitor it calls for*) methods to match AST node. Please refer to FieldLocator, MethodLocator, TypeDeclarationLocator classes for appropriate match methods (not all methods are implemented).

After matches are collected we use structure to match some of them to model elements, for easy navigation.
 c) Associate matched node to structure model items.
   To work correctly following methods should return correct results:
    - getTypes() - list of top level types in module
    - getFunctions() - list of methods in module
    - getVariables() - list of variables in module
  And TypeDeclaration
    - getTypes() - list of subtypes
    - getMethods() - list of methods
    - getVariables() - list of variables
By default this methods are using ASTUtil.getTypes(), ASTUtil.getMethods(), ASTUtil.getVariables() methods. So if your ModuleDeclaration hold custom items you need to override provided methods to match nodes to correct structure model items.

Using custom IMatchLocator
- provide your results into*) method from
your IMatchLocator.locateMatches() method.

I've updated python example in DLKT cvs: org.eclipse.dltk/examples/eclipsecon08/org.eclipse.dltk.examples.python*
To work with latest DLTK 3.0, and fix issues in search.
a) PythonSourceElementRequestor is called method ISourceElementRequestor.enterMethodRemoveSame() but this methods are not implemented in search. So please check your code, probable this is reason for method declarations are not work for you. b) ExamplePythonMatchLocationParser has not passed FieldDeclarations into matched nodes, search for fields was not working in sample.

Best regards,
Andrei Sobolev.

For my ModuleDeclaration, i subclassed FieldDeclaration several times
and filled my ModuleDeclaration with these statements. I tried to
implement the search like mentioned in
but it doesn't find anything. I then implemented a subclass of
MatchLocatorParser as follows:

        protected void processStatement(final ASTNode node, final
PatternLocator locator) {
                if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
                        final MethodDeclaration defn = (MethodDeclaration) node;
                        locator.match(defn, getNodeSet());
                } else if (node instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
                        final FieldDeclaration def = (FieldDeclaration) node;
                        locator.match(def, getNodeSet());

when i do a method-search (search for "methods") with limit to
declarations he visits this method but doesn't match the right things
since they are FieldDeclarations (the locator just returns impossible
match). But when i do a field-search he doesn't visit this method at
all. Digging into the code, what i could find out is that in the
BasicSearchEngine in the findMatches method he doesn't find any
SearchDocuments (variables like indexMatches and matches are empty).
That doesn't happen in the method-search.
Any Ideas?

thanks in advance,

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