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[Dltk-dev] details formatter preference support committed

hello all -

  i've committed support for the details formatter preference page. in order to add this functionality to your plugin, do the following:

1) make sure you've implemented the org.eclipse.dltk.debug.ui.language extension point

2) make sure you've added a preference initializer to your debug.ui plugin - the initializer should extend the DLTKDebugUIPluginPreferenceInitializer class

3) add the preference page definition to your debug ui's plugin xml in the preference page section (here's an example).

      name="" />     

and that's it!

johan - you're going to want to use the following to override the default of only showing the variable details in the 'details' pane

org.eclipse.dltk.debug.ui.show_details = INLINE_ALL

  please let me know if there are any problems, etc.


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