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Re: [Dltk-dev] bug #239707 discussion

Hi all,

The 2nd step:

All files are not parsed in the background by the
org.eclipse.dltk.validators.internal.core.ValidatorBuilder class
from the org.eclipse.dltk.validators.core plugin <file:///C:/ALEXEY/RubyGearsWorkspaceClean/org.eclipse.dltk.validators.core/>

Reconciling does not create markers - only annotations in the editor.

Additional processing could be added using the org.eclipse.dltk.validators.core.IBuildParticipant interface - for examples please look at the RubyTodoTaskAstParser + RubyTodoParserType + extension point.

That changes should be stable now.


Alex Panchenko wrote:
Hi all,

1st step - IProblemReporter.reportProblem(IProblem) now returns void.

if you were using returned IMarker to store additional information - please use IProblem.getID() and IProblem.getArguments() - they are persisted to the marker attributes now.

- marker.getAttribute(IScriptModelMarker.ID, 0)
- String[] CorrectionEngine.getProblemArguments(IMarker)
to retrieve them.


Alex Panchenko wrote:
Hi Michael,

I have started working on these two issues.

The correct solution would be

a) report problems from the reconciler to the annotation model. This could be solved without breaking API, using code similar to the option #2.
b) report problems as markers from builder

Thanks for your ideas.


Michael Spector wrote:
Hi All,

I would like to discuss possible solutions to the bug #239707 <>

There are two solutions I can see now, the first is breaking the API the other - is not:

1. Introduce new extension point: ISourceModuleProblemFinder that will be responsible for re-parsing a source module being reconciled. Implementing extension class will accept IProblemRequestor (which should be un-deprecated) for reporting on found problems.

2. Use dirty hack, like this:

In addition, I think this bug should be solved ASAP, since reconciler does not work properly.

What are your comments?


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