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[Dltk-dev] workspace/context menus

hello and happy new year all -

  i was looking through some of the editor code that deals with how the context menus are created b/c i wanted to do some work in that area to make the source/refactor menus across language implementations more 'consistent' and bring the layout more inline w/ the jdt layout, and i noticed that eclipse 3.3 'officially' introduced the 'org.eclipse.ui.menus' extension point that leverages the 'org.eclipse.core.commands' extension point they added back in the 3.2 releases (may have been earlier) - and deprecates the current action model that is currently in use.
  i've been doing a little experimenting and it looks like if the ScriptEditor implementation provided the 'editor context id' instead of the individual language implementations, the options could be declared in the core ui's plugin.xml along with any handlers that are 'generic' (like toggling script comments), and leaving it up to the individual plugins to implement and then declare the commands themselves. i could also just create an ActionGroup implementation that did this as well, but it seems that the menu extension point would allow others to take commands we defined and stick them in the trim, etc., and provide us the most flexibility going forward.

  i'm happy to do either, but wanted to see what the group thought.


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