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RE: [Dltk-dev] TCL - Extracting a call graph

Hello Andrey,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I agree - it would be unreasonable to do it totally separate from the Eclipse platform as well, there are just too many services it provides, and that DLTK relies on (and rightly so)
Headless Eclipse is more than okay, and using it from within the Eclipse IDE itself is all good as well - that was a minor concern.
The major part was being able to get at the information at all. If that is possible, then that would be fantastic, and any tips at where to start would be much appreciated.
On an unrelated topic, I had some questions on namespace discovery in TCL and I posted on the DLTK TCL forums (on the old site) - is that the right place to put questions like that?
- Phil

From: dltk-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dltk-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrey Platov
Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2007 11:30 PM
To: 'DLTK Developer Discussions'
Subject: RE: [Dltk-dev] TCL - Extracting a call graph

Hello Phil,


First of all thank you very much for kind words about DLTK, and for raising very interesting issue about developing tools on top of the DLTK.


In fact there are a lot of facilities inside DLTK, which are vital to build different tools such as code analysis, etc. In middle term (after DLTK 1.0) we’re dreaming to give developers possibility to access these DLTK (and Eclipse Platform) facilities and services using scripts in languages supported by DLTK (and having corresponding JVM-based interpreter such as jacl for TCL or JRuby for Ruby). This would allow end-users (developers) to extend DLTK and implement tools of their choice much easily. But such tools still will be hosted by Eclipse…


If you’re looking for a solution outside the Eclipse my thoughts are following:


Technically it would not be easy (and I think unreasonable) to decouple DLTK from Eclipse Platform and move some code out to use without Eclipse. However it’s relatively easy to assemble headless DLTK distribution on top of OSGi and Eclipse, which could be used in different scenarios like tool with command-line interface or some kind of stateful server having access to your codebase and performing your tasks on the code.


Both approaches are not mutually exclusive (although headless DLTK shall be “extended” with your code). At the moment Java is definitely possible to add new functionality on top of DLTK, in future I hope there will be a possibility to extend DLTK with TCL and other languages.


As for your idea to build a call graphs for tcl files, if headless eclipse if OK for you, we’d be happy to help to assemble headless DLTK and I’ll ask TCL folks to show you entry points and give some ideas how such a graph builder could be implemented.


Kind Regards,

Andrey Platov



From: dltk-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dltk-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Phillip Martin
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 7:16 PM
To: dltk-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Dltk-dev] TCL - Extracting a call graph


Howdy guys,


First off - very impressive work so far with teh DLTK plugin. From an end-users perspective, it is a very valuable tool, but form a developers point of view, it must have been some fascinating work creating this thing. Well done!


I've been happily playing with the TCL aspect of it, and it has got some really valuable tools for us, and I was wondering : how accessible are these from outside the UI of eclipse?


The main thing I'm interested in at the moment is being able to do a bit of static analysis and create a call graph for a body of tcl code. Since it has a call graph facility built in to the user interface, I was just wondering how easy would this be to parse all the tcl files and look for call graphs on all the procs?


Any tips or ideas on where to look would be great. I had a poke around the DLTK source code, and I thought I had path forward, but I ran out of time. 


- Phil Martin

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