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Re: [dash-dev] Version ranges or exact versions

On 20 Mar 2011, at 13:16, Igor Fedorenko wrote:

> You can use dependency with scope=import to reuse predefined
> <dependencyManagement/> section in multiple projects. This blog [1] is
> supposed to explain how to do this, but formatting seems to be off :-(

The < and > aren't escaped, so the tags are being filtered out. You need to replace them with &lt; and &gt;. All a <pre> block does is to make whitespace significant (xml:space="preserve" in HTML5) rather than as is. 

> Beware that unlike OSGi and P2, Maven does not attempt to optimise
> dependency versions. If the same dependency is present multiple times in
> project's dependency graph, Maven will use the first version it finds
> while traversing the graph. <dependencyManagement/> is the mechanism a
> project can use to force desired dependency version.

So we could have (say):


and then all the dependencies could depend on that to consume a common dependencyManagement set:


Would you then in the POM encode the dependency version as a range, and let the import of the release constrain what element in the range is used?

> This is not strictly related to versions, but, out of curiosity, how do
> you plan to deal with swt and swt fragments?
> [1]

Probably something we still have to figure out.


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