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Re: [dash-dev] Athena and tests on windows?

+1 for contributed solution that will get us SWTBot tests run from Athena. Or JUnit4, for that matter. Send in those patches, ya'll!


Miles Parker wrote:
Just a random wild thought, but what about running them inside of say
VMWare fusion? They have to have some kind of isolated display model.

The importance of doing this just became more clear to me I've been
doing all of my development under Mac OS, and when working with
Windows with a user I discovered that the widget behavior wasn't what
I had expected and so one of my views wasn't doing what it was
supposed to. Of course, this presumes that I had even written a unit
test for that behavior.

Which segues to.. One of many things I need to work on is getting
SWTBot working under athena. If anyone else has an interest in doing
this, please let me know.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The script - - is currently in bash, but there's a stub -
runtests.xml - which if anyone ever gets around to translating, will run on
win/mac/lin - anywhere that Ant can.

Problem with tests on win and mac is that to do them efficiently we need a
headless UI port, and only linux provides that. Mac provides a single UI
port for all logins, and Windows doesn't even have a notion of UI ports -
everything's on the same port.

So, as Elias suggests, the best you'll ever be able to achieve is running
the tests quasi-interactively as they open/close Eclipse instances in front
of you and you hopefully do not accidentally click or type in them to
interact w/ the tests. Failing that, there's always kvm, virtualbox, or
vmware so you can have your own virtual linux box IN your windows machine,
and run your builds/tests there.

Jacek Pospychala wrote:
hi Elias,
I remember trying to do this, but it turned out that script required to
launch tests ( is written in bash. However one could try to
launch it anyway using cygwin.
Script has some parts exclusively specific to Unix platform (like starting
the X session), but that should be easy to comment out. Then it invokes
PDEBuild ant scripts which should run perfectly fine on windows.

Curious, if that would work...


Elias Volanakis wrote:
Quick question: can Athena run pde-junit tests on windows?


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Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
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Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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