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[dash-dev] Re: Athena CBI - extra work needed after fetch from CVS but before compiling

I've committed a change into HEAD for (see the attached patch there), but haven't released it onto yet for fear of breaking everyone this late in the day. :)

If you're building PDT 2.2 w/ Athena locally and can grab the latest o.e.d.common.releng source from HEAD, you can try changes. Stick a postFetch target in your buildExtra.xml and it should be called at the appropriate moment.


Jacek Pospychala wrote:
Thanks guys,

As far as I get it, Athena does not yet allow to invoke custom customTargets.xml (customCustomTargets.xml?), so I opened following bug:

291446: Provide hook for extra actions after fetching code from repo and before compiling it (e.g. code generation, parser generators, etc.)

btw. now after playing a bit with builds I start to get how things work :-) Things are much easier once you find out what's the order of execution and where is what. I feel that hook-oriented way is more criptic than sequential script. For example, if there was ever any new build system going to happen, instead of customTargets.xml, I'd prefer build.xml to look like:

<target name="all">
    <...e.g. here is obvious place for postFetch action>

Which instantly selfdocuments the kind of steps and their order in build process. It's also easy to add/remove default steps and put custom in between. Just my 0.02$


2009/10/5 Andrew Niefer <aniefer@xxxxxxxxxx>

There are basically two places to do this kind of processing. As you mentioned, the customTargets.xml postFetch or preGenerate.
    Â I'm not sure of the details of Athena, but I looked briefly at
    org.eclipse.dash.common.releng and it looks like they deliver a
customTargets.xml that gets used normally.Â
    If Athena allows you to specify properties that will be set before
    calling, then you could provide your own customTargets.xml
    and set "customTargets" to point to your own copy. Â (Setting this
    property is one of the first things does, which is why you
    need to set it before calling build.) Â I would suggest your copy
    then import the Athena version. Â You're customTargets.xml can have
something like: <available property="athenaCustom" file="${builder}/customTargets.xml" value="${builder}/customTargets.xml" /> <import file="${athenaCustom}"/> <target name="preGenerate" >   stuff here overrides the preGenerate target in athenaCustom </target>Â

    The other place to do this is using a customBuildCallback.xml in the
plugin itself. < The target would be appropriate place to do this work.Â
    The decision between the two would normally be based on how specific
    this processing is to the plugins. Â For something that is looking
    at a model file in your bundle and generating .java files I would
    probably use custom call backs instead of custom targets. Â Unless
    every bundle (or at least a lot of them) need to do the same
processing. -AndrewÂ

    From: 	Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>>
    To: 	Jacek Pospychała <jacek.pospychala@xxxxxxxxx
    Cc: 	Andrew Niefer/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA, Tools for Committer Community
    <dash-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:dash-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
    Date: 	10/05/2009 03:27 PM
    Subject: 	Re: Athena CBI - extra work needed after fetch from CVS
    but before compiling


    Not sure where / how you'd invoke that, or if we expose that hook in
PDE (yet). I'll copy this to dash-dev@ and to Andrew Niefer - he might have a suggestion for how you can do this or what we need to add in Athena.


    Jacek Pospychała wrote:
    >  hi Nick,
    >  I'm using Athena and trying to do generate some java files right
after > their model get's fetched from CVS.
    >  Normally I would do this in customTargets.xml, and how would that
look > in Athena? I first thought of run target in buildExtra.xml but this > seems not invoked.
    >  I also tried to just put customTargets.xml inside my releng
directory - > no look either. > Or should this kind of task be put in specific plug-in in > customTargets.xml? (I'd prefer to avoid mixing plugin code with it's > build xmls) > Thanks! > Jacek

--Â Nick Boldt ::Â <>
    Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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