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Re: [dash-dev] Groovy Monkey Plugin

Cool! Hey, the best way to include the code is to open a bug in bugzilla and attach a patch file. The Eclipse IP rules do not allow us to accept code via email, but if you open a bug then we can grab it and apply it and release a new Monkey version in mere minutes (well, not today because CVS seems to be down today, but tomorrow!)

James E. Ervin wrote:
I recently refactored the code that I modified so that Eclipse Monkey looks for a set of extensions called org.eclipse.eclipseMonkey.lang. I added two fragments, one for groovy, the other for beanshell. They both seem to work pretty well. I added a metadata tag called LANG for the obvious reason to denote which language the script applies ( Javascript being the default ). In fact I suppose there is no reason to not add any number of scripting languages, as long as they are native to the jvm, allow some sort of binding and can evaluate text on the fly so to speak.

I want to add a metadata tag for the execution mode of the script. I think it would be a good idea to be able to have the script run as an independent job either in the UI Thread or not and allow the script to receive a progress monitor to allow it to respond to cancellations and the like.

I also think it would be a good idea to have an outline view that could show the user what DOMs are available with their urls, variable names and show reflectively what the class type is that it represents.

I would love to share some of this code with anyone who would like. Just need to know where to place it.

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