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Re: [dali-dev] new jpa.jar needed for tests


We actually "thought" we made the appropriate dependency changes before releasing the new code to the build. Tran is currently investigating why the new replacement dependency ( is not being accessed by the build. I updated the dependency yesterday afternoon, so not sure why it isn't working.


David M Williams wrote:
There's nothing like failing JUnits to remind me of your post. :) Is this a brand new pre-req for your tests? Or a replacement for one of the existing ones? Below are the existing "dali test dependencies" listed in releng\helios\maps\ In either case, the right mechanism (most likely) is to use the "test-only dependency" mechanism to inject into unit tests. Hopefully these existing ones will give a hint as to how to accomplish it.
Let me ... or Tran :) ...
know if we can help further. Or open a releng bug with modifications you need. Thanks,

# Java Persistence API Tools(JPT) Runtime Library Dependency
# JPT Runtime library zip to be downloaded
# JPT Runtime Library will be used for JUnit testing the JPT Tools features
# groupID : jpt-persistence.jar
jpt-persistence.jar.url= Jar
jpt-persistence.jar.description=Persistence libraries

# Java Persistence API Tools(JPT) Runtime Library Dependency
# EclipseLink library zip to be downloaded
# EclipseLink Library will be used for JUnit testing the JPT Tools features
# groupID : jpt-eclipselink.jar
jpt-eclipselink.jar.url= Jar
jpt-eclipselink.jar.description=EclipseLink libraries

Paul Fullbright <paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dali dev <dali-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
10/12/2009 06:25 PM
[dali-dev] new jpa.jar needed for tests
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Hello all,

I've checked in some new java resource model tests that require a jpa.jar with the new MapsId annotation, which can be found in the latest eclipselink builds. Or I can send you one if you need.

- Paul

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