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Re: [dali-dev] Listening for Entity Generation operations

Hi Chris,

We changed entity generation to use a WorkspaceJob instead of a IWorkspaceRunnable so that we could make it run in the background instead of locking up the UI. The Job has the IProject as a scheduling rule since anything in the project can change. You could set up a Job as well for the population of your table that also has a scheduling rule of IProject. Then your Job will not run until our entity generation Job has completed. Hope this helps.


Christopher Jaun wrote:


Is there a way I can listen for newly generated entities?

I see as a result of this change ( in the maintenance stream that entities are now generated in the background when created with your wizard.

I have a wizard containing a button that allows a user to launch your entity wizard and when that returns I populate a table with the newly created entities. Now that these are being generated in the background I need a way to know when all the entity generation operations are complete or at least be notified every time a new entity is created so I can add it to my table.

Is there a way to do this?



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