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Re: [dali-dev] case of table and column names

This is one of the extension point I mentioned at the 'dali
extension-point' talk a few months(?) back.

Being able to override the validation/treatment of column names. Besides
it being different on various db's
it is also possible that the underlying JPA provider has customization
hooks for handling column/table naming.


Hi Dali-Dev Team,
in SAP JPA, we are facing an issue with the case of table and column names
in conjunction with Dali, which I would like to hear your opinion on.
The issue is the following:
SAP JPA always generates SQL with delimited identifiers, e.g.
Therefore the case of table and column names is relevant for us.
Unfortunately, the JPA specification is not specific with respect to the
case of column and table names. We handle the case in SAP JPA as follows:
1) if a default rule applies: upper case
String name; -> "NAME"
2) if a table or column name is specified explicitly: mixed case
String name; -> "theName"
Dali on the other hand, when applying default rules, seems to assume that
either the case does not matter or that it is preserved (mixed case).
To fix the issue, I could imagine to have a property either in our (SAP) JPA runtime (specified in persistence.xml), in the SAP JPA Platform or in Dali
that would allow to align the differing behaviours.
I would be interested to know which assumptions Dali makes with respect to
the case of table and column names. What if the names are specified
explicitly using annotations or XML? What if default rules apply?
Are the other JPA vendors on this loop facing a similar issue?
Best regards,
Dr. Adrian Görler
Dietmar-Hopp-Alee 16, 69190 Walldorf Germany <BLOCKED::>

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