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[dali-dev] Dali DDL Generation

On the newsgroup, Kevin Sutter described some bugs and shortcomings he found in the Dali DDL generation support.

>Now that I have the Kodo tutorial examples properly loading into Eclipse (thanks to the workaround for bug 143301), I attempted to generate the ddl for these examples. I ran into the following problems and am wondering whether these are known conditions or not.

I've posted a response which I've copied below so that we can have a discussion of the value of DDL generation in Dali.


Hi Kevin,
Have you tried using Kodo's mapppingtool to generate the DDL? I've used TopLink Essentials DDL generation and it works great. The reason I'm asking is that the availability of DDL generation from the JPA runtimes begs the question of why is it being built again in Dali? Perhaps a better solution is to provide support for running the DDL tools of the runtimes?

  Your thoughts?

I'd like to open this topic up for community feedback so I'll crosspost this question to the dali-dev mailing list.


Shaun Smith
Principal Product Manager
Oracle TopLink

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