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Re: [dali-dev] recent EMFBinding/Selection modifications

Karen Moore wrote:

I meant to send an email out yesterday afternoon, so here's my explanation now. The bug I was trying to fix was that changing the PersistentAttribute attributeMapping would cause problems. I tried to solve this problem as you suggested a few weeks ago by having the Persistence Properties 'Map As' combo viewer be a SelectionTracker, but was unable to do this. My solution here was to only store the selected object EClass and any possible parent EClasses because this simplified things for the Dali case. I don't know that we need to try and have a selection and binding framework that will work for other clients yet. It is nearly impossible to do that in a first pass, so I felt like we should at least make things work for Dali, keep it simple, and then we can expand on it later if we feel that this is useful code for other clients to use.

I have attached the original email that explained the bug I was seeing and your solution for how to fix it. When I tried to make the 'Map As' combo viewer an ISelectionTracker I hit issues because the combo viewer does not actually hold emf objects, the emf object is created when the model is told the the combo selection occurred. So, at the time of selection, depending on who is informed first, the ISelectionTracker or the emf model, the new AttributeMapping will not be in place in the model yet. I can enter a bug in bugzilla if you would like to try and fix this using the selection framework as it was before. It just seems much simipler to me to only store the EClass of the object that is actually selected, in the Dali project this will only ever be a PersistenceFile, PersistentType, PersistentAttribute(possibly a few others as our outline tree expands). It seemed to make more sense to only store that one EClass and then you wont have as many problems with child objects being replaced.

I agree with number 3 and am not sure why I didn't take that approach.



i will look into this and try to solve it with the old selection version. :)
Can you please open a bug in Bugzilla for this issue?

Markus Kuppe

Versant GmbH, European Headquarters
Wiesenkamp 22b, 22359 Hamburg, Germany


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