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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] A Neon-compatible Mylyn-Extras buiild?

Hi Mickael,


You are bringing a really good point…

I am not committer on the project, but I will try to give some pointers.


I think that the problem is that “mylyn-extras” is not released…


As indicated on the WikiText-AsciiDoc wikipage there is only a P2 repository containing the nightly build.


You can find the 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT jars in the Eclipse Maven Repo, but you will need to create a P2 Update site for them:


Or rebuild what you need from the sources (e_4_5_m_3_19_x Branch):


The discussion should probably continue on the Mylyn Docs Mailing List:


Best regards,


Jérémie Bresson

From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mickael Istria
Sent: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016 07:56
To: Cross project issues
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] A Neon-compatible Mylyn-Extras buiild?


Hi all,

I'm posting here because I imagine it can be of interest of several projects/contributors.

Is there a build of mylyn-extras (in my case I'm concerned about the asciidoc wikitext support) available that is compatible with Neon? The only recent one I see requires wikitext 2.9.0, which is one version higher than what Neon M7 contains.

Thanks in advance,

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
My blog - My Tweets

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