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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] RE: Feature Versioning & Qualifier Suffixes.

Also, I don't think that it's recommended to use the Callisto update site with 3.3 builds.  My understanding is that Callisto update site is only for 3.2 and 3.2.x builds.  
With 3.3 builds, we will need  to create a new update site for Europa that will be referenced in the features because of this bug.

If you have 3.2 installed, there isn't a way to upgrade the startup.jar or eclipse executable to the one for 3.3.

Once a Europa update site has been created, I'll update our 3.3 features to point to it.


"Ed Burnette" <Ed.Burnette@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/12/2006 03:58 PM

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Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Cross project issues" <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[cross-project-issues-dev] RE: Feature Versioning & Qualifier        Suffixes.

I just installed 3.3M1 and tried to install the other Callisto projects on it. Right away it bailed with the error:
WST Server Core (1.5.0.v200605151622--1G955G5G7A5GCE) requires feature "org.eclipse.rcp (3.2.0)", or equivalent.
That's after I clicked 'Add Required'.
Feature org.eclipse.rcp has already been updated to org.eclipse.rcp_3.3.0.v20060801-SVDZ7xum-5-IUJG.
Probably that's because org.eclipse.jface is at version org.eclipse.jface_3.3.0.I20060801-0800
and org.eclipse.ui is at version org.eclipse.ui_3.3.0.I20060803-0010.jar
and org.eclipse.ui.workbench is at org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.3.0.I20060803-0010.jar
So, is this intentional or not, good or bad? I think it's bad because now I have no way to run WTP with 3.3M1 until a new WTP is available. Now, maybe it already is somewhere but it's not on the WTP update site ( or Callisto Discovery site. Even if I were able to find it or hack the xml files to make it work, that leaves 8 other projects in Callisto that I might have to track down 3.3 compatible releases for.
I'm not asking for somebody to tell me where to find a 3.3 compatible WTP, I'm asking about the general cross-project issue with release numbers. What's Joe User going to do when he gets a new SDK and suddenly his plug-ins for WTP or BIRT or whatever stop working?
BTW, the default Install/Update preference is "equivalent (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 - only service increments)". I changed it to "compatible (1.0.9 -> 1.1.0 - service and minor increments)" but this had no effect that I could see.
Maybe there needs to be a "version czar" that keeps track of all feature and plug-in version numbers and version requirement specifications to make sure they all make sense and play nicely together (before milestones, if possible). I'm sure there are several committers that understand the rules, but a lot of people (including me) still don't get the fine points, despite reading many explainations. See also the thread below from Andrew Niefer.

From: eclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrew Niefer
Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:30 PM
[eclipse-dev] Feature Versioning & Qualifier Suffixes.

Hello All,

As work progresses on 3.2.1 and 3.3.0, plug-ins are incrementing their version numbers from 3.2.0.  This is just a little heads up to remember the features.  In order to keep version numbers constantly increasing it is important to consider the containing feature for any plug-in that increases its version, particularly when the qualifier changes format (ie 3.2.0.v2006 to 3.2.1.r321_v2006).

The short message is that whenever you change a plug-in's version, you should let the rel-eng team know so they can update the feature's version as well.

In the below example, the containing feature had already been incremented to 3.2.1 the first time one of its plug-ins changed version.  For subsequent changes to other plug-ins, it is sufficient to update the feature's qualifier.


----- Forwarded by Andrew Niefer/Ottawa/IBM on 08/10/2006 12:06 PM -----
Andrew Niefer/Ottawa/IBM

08/10/2006 12:00 PM

David Olsen/Beaverton/IBM@IBMUS
Pascal Rapicault/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA, Sonia Dimitrov/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Re: PDE Build feature version hash issueLink


The hash algorithm only considers the qualifier segment, as such, the decrease in the suffix is expected in this case.  It is assumed that changes in the first 3 segments of the version will be handled by similar upversioning in the feature.

I think it is sufficient to update  the feature's qualifier, as opposed to increasing the service number.  So the org.eclipse.jdt feature should have gone
to:         3.2.1.r321_v20060802-R3AKHTrl-ieyxA-

If we were to increase the service number of the feature every time this happened, it would require a corresponding increase to any containing features.  With independently changing plug-ins, the top level SDK feature would quickly grow to a large service number.   By changing the qualifier value for the feature (simply a retag and update to the map files), the full qualifier + suffix stays increasing and containing features should automatically absorb the change in their qualifier suffixes.

Hope this clears things up,


David Olsen/Beaverton/IBM@IBMUS

08/09/2006 08:00 PM

Andrew Niefer/Ottawa/IBM
Pascal Rapicault/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
PDE Build feature version hash issue

I may have found an issue with the feature version qualifier hash in PDE Build.  I'm not sure if it is a bug, and if so, whose bug it would be.

>From build M20060726-0800 to build M20060802-0800 the version number of the JDT feature org.eclipse.jdt decreased, from


I went over the version numbers of all the contained plugins with a fine toothed comb.  Every single plugin version number was unchanged or increased.  Most of them were simple qualifier changes, but the plugin org.eclipse.jdt.launching was more interesting.  It went from
3.2.0.v20060605 to 3.2.1.r321_v20060731.  Note that its version number increased, but the qualifier part of the version decreased ("v2..." to "r3...").

Is the hash algorithm supposed to handle this correctly?  Does it look only at the qualifiers of the included plugins, or at the entire plugin version?  Are qualifiers supposed to be always increasing, even when other parts of the version number change?  Was the third digit of the feature version number supposed to have been changed because one of its plugins changed?

The feature.xml files are attached, to save you from tracking them down yourself.

[attachment "feature-old.xml" deleted by Andrew Niefer/Ottawa/IBM]  [attachment "feature-new.xml" deleted by Andrew Niefer/Ottawa/IBM]

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