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[cosmos-dev] Re: Dojo toolkit legal issues are gone

Bjorn wrote on 01/09/2008 02:41:12 PM:

> Sheldon, David, and the rest of the COSMOS team,
> Unfortunately, referencing a required library (dojo) via a CDN rather than a
> download does not solve the legal issue. According to the Eclipse Board
> of Directors, required dependencies of an Eclipse project must also go through the
> legal review process (see http://www.eclipse.
> org/org/documents/Eclipse_Policy_and_Procedure_for_3rd_Party_Dependencies_Final.pdf
> ). The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Eclipse frameworks are usable by
> the eco-system without constraints -- if an Eclipse project (under EPL) *requires*
> another framework (for example GPL) before the project will function, then
> effectively the framework can only be reused under GPL, n'est pas?
> Thus the COSMOS project must use the CQ process to gain approval to reference dojo
> as an external dependency.
> - Bjorn

> Harm brought to my attention that AOL has made dojo toolkit builds available on the
> content delivery network (
> I've modified the data visualization code so that the UI references the 1.0.0 build
> on CDN instead of a local copy of the dojo toolkit.  I opened bug 211240 to track
> this solution (
> The following are benefits to doing this:
> - no more legal hassle since we are no longer packaging dojo with our drivers.  
> Instead we are referencing the builds on CDN

An unfortunate reminder that "no more legal hassle" rarely comes to fruition. :-)


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