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Re: [cosmos-dev] Question about provisional APIs

It would be much easier if we could find the minutes from the meeting where this decision was made.

Thank you,
Valentina Popescu
IBM Toronto Labs
Phone:  (905)413-2412         (tie-line  969)
Fax: (905) 413-4850

"Ali Mehregani" <ali.mehregani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/09/2008 04:17 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Cosmos Dev" <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cosmos-dev] Question about provisional APIs

>From what I recall, there was an agreement that requiring the package names to contain 'provisional' will cause code breakage when APIs transitioned from provisional to public.  I do agree that there are pros and cons to each approach but we should go with what the majority agreed on during the F2F.  The annotation is added as part of the class comment, so it should also work with _javascript_s.

We should go as far as annotating classes.  Adding annotation to individual methods is too much maintenance.  Marking a class as provisional is an all or nothing case.  i.e. there is no such thing as a class being half provisional.

Mark or project leads, please speak up if you see something fundamentally wrong with this approach.

On Jan 9, 2008 2:38 PM, Sheldon Lee-Loy < sleeloy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Did we agree on using java annotations?  For some reason I can't recall this.  

Java annotations only works with java files.  We have _javascript_ files that can be extended as well.  I've been encoding the word 'provisional' in java and _javascript_ package names.  

I think this is better than using java annotation.  First it's easier to determine if code is using internal, public or provisional apis by glancing at the import statements.  Second encodiing works with _javascript_ files.  


Sheldon Lee-Loy
Tivoli Autonomic Computing, IBM Toronto Lab
phone: 905.413.2610

David Whiteman <David_Whiteman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

01/09/2008 02:05 PM

Please respond to
Cosmos Dev <

[cosmos-dev] Question about provisional APIs

At the last F2F, we discussed the COSMOS dev process, and in particular how to denote provisional APIs.  It was decided that we would use Java annotations instead of encoding "provisional" in the package name.  I'm trying to remember the details of what we decided.  Did we simply decide to use the approach documented here in the TPTP API Contract document for stable provisional APIs for all of our provisional APIs?

If so, is the following wording sufficient for putting into our own dev process:

Provisional API is API that can change, but is unlikely to change in the next release. Such code has the @provisional tag in the Javadoc. Provisional API is solid but is not public for any number of reasons: the implementation may fluctuate, the function's quality isn't as high as we'd like it to be yet, ports to other platforms may be needed, etc.

One question I have is whether we put the @provisional tag in every method comment, or just the class comment, or both?  We often have entire interfaces that are considered provisional, so I didn't know where it should be best indicated.

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Ali Mehregani
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