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Re: [cosmos-dev] MDR and Data Manager Use Cases - installing/uninstalling and online/offline


I think this is getting to the question of "How do we manage the MDRs"--what are their management interfaces.  "off-line" and "on-line" sound to me to be the same as "start" "stop".  

I would propose that we use these operations instead.  If we wanted, we could also tie this into the "Operational Status" capability of WSDM.  When you "stop" the MDR (and I'd argue this is something that could apply to all Data Managers, then Operational Status is "Unavailable".  

One other question is that if you have something "stopped", how do you start it again?  At a minimum, this means that the capabilities that we are creating need to check if they should process the request.  The other end of the spectrum is that you have two endpoints, one for the management aspect and one for the cmdbf work.  Stopping in this case would mean that you do not permit requests in to the second enpoint, possibly through a container mechanism.

You also have in here the notion of being able to administer this through the UI.  The current COSMOS ui is 'non-operation' oriented.  This would be the first place that we would introduce the notion of controlling a resource.  


Mark Weitzel | STSM | IBM Software Group | Tivoli | Autonomic Computing | (919) 543 0625 | weitzelm@xxxxxxxxxx

[cosmos-dev] MDR and Data Manager Use Cases -        installing/uninstalling and online/offline

Mohsin, Jimmy to: Cosmos Dev
01/08/08 11:30 PM

Sent by: cosmos-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please respond to Cosmos Dev <cosmos-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Cosmonauts,
We have a notion of installing (and uninstalling) MDR’s and Data Managers.  However, till now, we have not talked about the operational status of the MDR’s / DM’s in
So now the question: will we support the notion of MDR’s & DM’s being online / offline?  I have TENTATIVELY added one use case in the MDR Enablement section…
Use Case: Administrator takes an MDR "offline" or "online"
Actor: System Administrator
Description: The Administrator wants to take an MDR "offline", perhaps for maintenance or for any other reason. Alternatively, she may wish to bring the MDR back online.
1.   Administrator opens the COSMOS UI, which displays all the data managers and MDR's
2.   Administrator selects the MDR she wishes to take offline (or online)
3.   Administrator updates the status of the MDR
Enhancements: TBD
Jimmy Mohsin
Cell   +1-609-635-1703
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