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Re: [cosmos-dev] Re: COSMOS download page

Nope, not quite correct :-)  In fact, the answer is better than you expect... because you are working towards a 1.0 your milestones would be 1.0Mx even though you are still incubating.  The incubation restriction is that you can't release the 1.0 before graduating - but you can certainly work towards it.

There's an interesting meta-issue here: when one is working from 1.0 towards 2.0, are the milestones 1.0Mx or 2.0Mx? In other words is "Mx" an addition to a release, thus "1.0Mx" is a milestone beyond the "1.0" release _or_ is "Mx" a subtraction from a release, thus "2.0Mx" is on the way to "2.0"?  The Eclipse community has chosen "subtraction". I don't know the reasoning, but there it is.

- Bjorn

Thanks, Bjorn.  Just to clarify, it is also our understanding that, even though we are working toward a release of 1.0 next year, since we are not yet a top level project and are still incubating, then we cannot use the 1.0Mx naming convention either.  Therefore, I assume we will just need to go with Mx (or ix for iteration builds between milestones) without a version number prefix to name our stable builds.  Is this correct?

Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Director, Committer Community
Eclipse Foundation

voice:  971-327-7323 (Pacific Time)
email:  bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx

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